It is always wonderful news to receive book reviews. It is a great pleasure to present my latest review of Moral Indignation! It was reviewed by Diane Lunsford at Feathered Quill Book Reviews. Moral Indignation: Embryonic Stem Cells, DNA, and Christians – Feathered Quill
Readers’ Favorite Book Award Finalist
I am pleased to announce that Moral Indignation is an award finalist in the 2019 Readers’ Favorite Book Awards Contest: Non-Fiction Religion/Philosophy genre. Check out the link: So far, the reviews have been positive! This is not always a good thing! Humanity can ill afford to blindly accept ideas that seem to fix problems, where problems do not exist, or the problems, themselves, have a nature where they cannot be fixed. In writing Moral Indignation, I tried to cover as many views on as many related topics to embryonic stem cell research and abortion as I could. My failings …